@prefix address: . @prefix bibo: . @prefix bio: . @prefix dbp: . @prefix dc: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix doac: . @prefix event: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix foaf1: . @prefix gr: . @prefix locah: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix vivo: . @prefix xhv: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . a foaf1:Organization ; foaf1:homepage ; foaf1:name "ANZSI"@en-US, "Australian and new Zealand Society of Indexers Inc."@en-US . a bio:Interval ; bio:concludingEvent ; bio:initiatingEvent ; foaf1:isPrimaryTopicOf . a bibo:Letter ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; bibo:pageEnd "13"@en-US ; bibo:pageStart "12"@en-US ; bibo:recipient . a bio:Interval ; bio:concludingEvent ; bio:initiatingEvent ; foaf1:page . a bio:Interval ; bio:concludingEvent ; bio:initiatingEvent ; foaf1:page . a bio:Interval ; bio:concludingEvent ; bio:initiatingEvent ; foaf1:page . a bio:Interval ; bio:concludingEvent ; bio:initiatingEvent ; foaf1:isPrimaryTopicOf . a gr:PublicInstitution ; gr:name "National Library of Australia"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage . a bio:Birth ; bio:date "1896-11-09"@en-US ; bio:father ; bio:mother ; bio:place . a locah:ArchivalResource ; locah:accessProvidedBy ; dc:identifier "ST84/1, 1909/22/41-50"@en-US ; bibo:uri "http://www.aa.gov.au/cgi-bin/Search?O=I&Number=7461068"@en-US . a bio:Death ; dc:date "1938-03-10"@en-US ; bio:place ; foaf1:page . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:name "Charlie Gum"@en-US . a bio:Marriage ; bio:date "1917-03-13"@en-US ; bio:partner , ; bio:place . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:name "Maud Gordon"@en-US . a vivo:Presentation ; dcterms:date "2010-11"@en-US ; dcterms:title "In Praise of Humanities Data"@en-US ; bibo:uri "http://www.scribd.com/doc/50066437/In-Praise-of-Humanities-Data"@en-US . a bibo:Quote ; dc:creator ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; bibo:content "What I wonder is whether instead we can begin with the data, or with a datum, and simply watch for what it may tell us, even if what it tells us is simply a story."@en-US . a bibo:Newspaper ; dc:title "The Argus"@en-US ; foaf1:basedNear ; foaf1:isPrimaryTopicOf . a bibo:Conference ; event:time ; dc:title "Indexing See Change"@en-US ; bibo:place , ; foaf1:homepage . a bibo:Article ; dc:title "From Babel to Knowledge: Data Mining Large Digital Collections"@en-US ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:date "2005-03"@en-US ; dcterms:isPartOf ; bibo:issue "3"@en-US ; bibo:uri "http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march06/cohen/03cohen.html"@en-US ; bibo:volume "12"@en-US . a bibo:Quote ; dc:creator ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; bibo:content "These computational methods, which allow us to find patterns, determine relationships, categorize documents, and extract information from massive corpuses, will form the basis for new tools for research in the humanities and other disciplines in the coming decade."@en-US . a bibo:Conference ; event:time ; dcterms:title "Digging into Data Challenge Conference"@en-US ; bibo:organizer ; bibo:place . a bibo:Journal ; dcterms:title "D-Lib Magazine"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:name "Mark Greengrass"@en-US . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:name "Lorna Hughes"@en-US . a bibo:Quote ; dc:creator ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; bibo:content "even isolated and inert pieces of evidence – a list, a letter, a map, a picture – can assume new and unimagined meanings when placed in juxtaposition with other fragments."@en-US . a bibo:Quote ; dc:creator ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; bibo:content "Humans, presented with pieces of information about people, put things into the form of a story. They need not be simple stories, for we know how to deal with unexplained lapses of time, flashbacks, and overlapping narratives. We know how to imagine, infer, things happening at the same time in different places. Film and television train all of us at early ages to weave strands of narrative out of intentional (if carefully constructed) confusion and to take pleasure in that weaving."@en-US . a bibo:Website ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; dcterms:publisher ; dcterms:title "The History Wall"@en-US ; bibo:uri "http://historywall.nma.gov.au/"@en-US . a vcard:Address ; vcard:locality ; vcard:street-address "102 North Road"@en-US . a bibo:Conference ; dcterms:date "2009-05"@en-US ; dcterms:title "Fourth International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies"@en-US ; bibo:place . a vivo:Presentation ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; dcterms:title "A legacy of White Australia: Records about Chinese Australians in the National Archives"@en-US ; bibo:presentedAt ; bibo:uri "http://www.naa.gov.au/collection/publications/papers-and-podcasts/immigration/white-australia.aspx"@en-US . a foaf1:Person ; bio:death ; bio:event , , , , , ; foaf1:familyName "Kelley"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Alexander"@en-US ; foaf1:isPrimaryTopicOf ; foaf1:name "Alexander Dewar Kelley"@en-US ; foaf1:page . a bio:Cremation ; bio:place ; foaf1:page . a bio:Death ; dc:date "1944-01-27"@en-US ; bio:place ; foaf1:page . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Reunion with family."@en-US ; dc:date "1918-05-22"@en-US ; foaf1:page . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Wounded in battle."@en-US ; dc:date "1917-05-12"@en-US ; dc:description "Gunshot wound to head."@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Wounded in battle."@en-US ; dc:date "1917-09-25"@en-US ; dc:description "Severe injuries to face, hands and legs."@en-US . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:familyName "Whitelaw"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Mitchell"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage ; foaf1:pastProject . a bibo:Website ; dc:title "Google books Ngram Viewer"@en-US ; dcterms:isReferencedBy , ; bibo:uri "http://ngrams.googlelabs.com/"@en-US . a gr:BusinessEntity ; gr:name "Brighton Savoy Hotel"@en-US ; vcard:adr ; vcard:geo [ vcard:latitude ""@en-US ; vcard:longitude ""@en-US ] ; foaf1:homepage . a vcard:Address ; vcard:locality ; vcard:street-address "150 The Esplanade"@en-US . a bibo:Newspaper ; dc:title "The Sydney Morning Herald"@en-US ; foaf1:basedNear ; foaf1:isPrimaryTopicOf . a vivo:Presentation ; dc:title "Prison Art"@en-US ; dcterms:creator ; bibo:presentedAt ; bibo:uri "http://lenz.unl.edu/papers/2011/06/10/prison-art.html"@en-US ; foaf1:topic . a bibo:Quote ; dc:creator ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; bibo:content "The Old Bailey, like the Naked City, has eight million stories. Accessing those stories involves understanding trial length, numbers of instances of poisoning, and rates of bigamy. But being stories, they find their more salient expression in the weightier motifs of the human condition: justice, revenge, dishonor, loss, trial. This is what the humanities are about. This is the only reason for an historian to fire up Mathematica or for a student trained in French literature to get into Java."@en-US . a bibo:Chapter ; dc:creator ; dc:title "Digital searching and the re-formulation of historical knowledge"@en-US ; dcterms:isPartOf ; bibo:pageEnd "90"@en-US ; bibo:pageStart "81"@en-US . a bibo:Quote ; dc:creator ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; bibo:content "What happens when institutions and archives are 'decentred' in favour of the individual? What changes when we examine the world through the collected fragments of knowledge that we can recover about a single person, reorganised as a biographical narrative, rather than as part of an archival system?"@en-US . a bibo:EditedBook ; dc:title "The Virtual Representation of the Past"@en-US ; dcterms:date "2008"@en-US ; dcterms:publisher ; bibo:editorList , . a foaf1:Person ; dc:relation ; foaf1:familyName "Ward"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Albert"@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force for service in the First World War."@en-US ; bio:date "1916-11-07"@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force for service in the First World War."@en-US ; bio:date "1917-12-04"@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force for service in the First World War."@en-US ; bio:date "1918-10-29"@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Enlistment in the Australian Imperial Force."@en-US ; bio:date "1916-09-11"@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Enlistment in the Australian Imperial Force for service in the First World War."@en-US ; bio:date "1917-10-15"@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Enlistment in the Australian Imperial Force for service in the First World War."@en-US ; bio:date "1918-01-14"@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Charles Allen leaves Australia with his father to visit China."@en-US ; bio:date "1909-06"@en-US ; foaf1:page . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:name "Frances Allen"@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Charles Allen returns to Australia from China."@en-US ; bio:date "1915-06-05"@en-US ; foaf1:page . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:familyName "French"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Amanda"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage . dc:title "Coach wheel bed: ANZAC Hostel Brighton"@en-US ; dcterms:relation , ; dcterms:type ; foaf1:isPrimaryTopicOf . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:familyName "Ayers"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Edward"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage . a foaf1:Article ; dcterms:date "1999"@en-US ; dcterms:title "History in Hypertext"@en-US ; bibo:uri "http://www.vcdh.virginia.edu/Ayers.OAH.html"@en-US . a vivo:Project ; dcterms:title "Invisible Australians: The real face of White Australia"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage ; foaf1:page . a bibo:Image ; dcterms:publisher ; bibo:uri "http://cas.awm.gov.au/item/P00158.039"@en-US . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:currentProject ; foaf1:familyName "Bagnall"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Kate"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force."@en-US ; dc:date "1918-11-22"@en-US . a bio:Event ; rdfs:label "Enlistment in the Australian Imperial Force for service in the First World War."@en-US ; dc:date "1916-01-22"@en-US . a bibo:Webpage ; dcterms:isPartOf ; bibo:uri "http://mappingouranzacs.naa.gov.au/details-permalink.aspx?barcode_no=7336927"@en-US . a locah:ArchivalResource ; locah:accessProvidedBy ; dc:identifier "B2455, KELLEY ALEXANDER DEWAR"@en-US ; bibo:uri "http://www.aa.gov.au/cgi-bin/Search?O=I&Number=7336927"@en-US . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:familyName "Ramsay"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Stephen"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:currentProject ; foaf1:familyName "Hitchcock"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Tim"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage . a bibo:Article ; dc:date "1944-01-29"@en-US ; dc:isPartOf ; dc:title "Family notices"@en-US . a bibo:Article ; dcterms:date "1938-03-11"@en-US ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:title "MAN KILLED - Crushed Between Trucks"@en-US ; bibo:uri "http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17447524"@en-US . a bibo:Image ; dc:date "2011-08-04"@en-US ; dc:title "Trove newspapers profile – Totals by state"@en-US ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; dcterms:references . a vivo:Project ; dc:title "The Visible Archive"@en-US ; vivo:FundingOrganization ; foaf1:homepage ; foaf1:page . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:currentProject ; foaf1:familyName "Sherratt"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Tim"@en-US ; foaf1:knows , , , ; foaf1:pastProject ; foaf1:publications , . a foaf1:Person ; bio:birth ; bio:death ; bio:event , , , , , , , , ; foaf1:familyName "Allen"@en-US, "Gum"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Charles"@en-US ; foaf1:page . a bibo:Document ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; bibo:pageEnd "25"@en-US ; bibo:pageStart "24"@en-US . a locah:ArchivalResource ; locah:accessProvidedBy ; dc:identifier "SP42/1, C1922/4449"@en-US ; bibo:uri "http://www.aa.gov.au/cgi-bin/Search?O=I&Number=30173278"@en-US . a foaf1:Person ; foaf1:currentProject ; foaf1:familyName "Cohen"@en-US ; foaf1:givenName "Dan"@en-US ; foaf1:homepage . dcterms:relation ; vcard:adr ; foaf1:depiction ; foaf1:isPrimaryTopicOf ; foaf1:page . a bibo:Website ; dc:title "Mapping Our Anzacs"@en-US ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; dcterms:publisher . a bibo:Website ; dc:title "Trove"@en-US ; dcterms:isReferencedBy , , ; dcterms:publisher ; bibo:uri "http://trove.nla.gov.au"@en-US . a locah:ArchivalResource ; locah:accessProvidedBy ; dc:identifier "B2455, ALLEN C A"@en-US ; bibo:uri "http://http://www.aa.gov.au/cgi-bin/Search?O=I&Number=3029140"@en-US . a vivo:Project ; dc:title "With Criminal Intent"@en-US ; vivo:FundingOrganization ; foaf1:homepage ; foaf1:page . a bibo:Article ; dc:title "When did 'the Great War' become the 'First World War'"@en-US ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:isPartOf ; dcterms:isReferencedBy ; dcterms:references ; bibo:uri "http://wraggelabs.com/shed/time/the_great_war-2011-08-16.html"@en-US . a vivo:Presentation ; dc:creator ; dc:date "2011-09-14"@en-US ; dc:title "Every story has a beginning: Entering the web of data"@en-US ; dcterms:hasFormat ; dcterms:references , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; bibo:presentedAt ; xhv:alternate , , ; xhv:index ; xhv:meta ; xhv:prev ; xhv:start ; xhv:stylesheet , , , , , , ; foaf1:topic , , , , , .