A blog about card-game rule-booklets published by Charles Goodall & Son during the period 1868 to 1922 | Welcome to my blog about the card-game rule-booklets published by Charles Goodall & Son. | Page 9


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1 citation

Classified Advertising

23 December 1873, The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), page 1

…A little advertisement in The Brisbane Courier , December 23, 1873, on I believe page 1, toward the bottom of column three, treats it as a new game.  Likewise, a full-page advertisement in second edition of  The Civil Service Year Book and Official Calendar 1874 (which based on contents, I would assume first appeared in early 1874), refers to the game as Hunt’s “New & Fashionable Game of Zetema.”  (I have changed the capitalization.)  Clearly, though, whether the game was “new” then or not was a matter of opinion, for the game was roughly a year old at the time.…